Family Cell

The Family Cell meets on the second Friday of every month at 7:45pm in the Parlour.
Members Details
Ransom D'souza
Ralph Murzello
Mabel DeSouza
Russel Pereira
Conducting programs on Family Issues
Entertainment programs for couples like the ‘Rings & Rainbow’
Talks on Child Psychology and tips on dealing with children especially adolescents
Health issues ( we conducted an eye check up last year)
Contact persons: Any of the core members mentioned above.
"Helping children to cope with stress" --- an article for Family Cell.
We the parishioners of St Anne's were privileged to listen to a talk on "Stress Management" organized by Our Family Cell along with Fr Mario Mendes on Saturday 11th February from 5to 6.30pm. Shernaz Cyclewalla is from "PRAFULTA" ----- which is (A counselling center and Mental health organization----)
Our students of today, go through a very stressful time, trying to cope with getting high percentages to enter into a good reputed college. Parents need to guide them carefully in this competitive world full of trouble and tremendous pressure from all spheres of life .Shernaz went on to explain, how we should firstly ,find out if their Stress is physical, emotional or behavioral. Stress is our body's reaction to "Stressors "which can be due to an event, situation or thought, fear of failure and severe competition etc. . She explained the symptoms and consequences too. As parents and elders communication is very important. Keep your House and things in an orderly Manner always, keep a fixed place for books and study material and all other things too. Discipline your home environment ,set rules and firstly parents follow them , and be a good example yourself . Try and become your child's friend & empower them don't use force at all ,Don't give money n gifts as rewards, or they will keep asking for it all the time. Exams are about marks only and 90% does not always give success later on in life.
Becoming a confident person ,with good values and manners and having a healthy mind, striving hard to become a better person day by day is what's important.
Sleep is very important .Never shout at them before they sleep. Healthy eating is important too, but do not overfeed them . Teach them meditative techniques and how to Relax in the proper manner. Always be consistent in your parenting rules and don't change them during holidays. Also parents your children are copying and watching you ,lots of habits and ways are caught by a child and not taught ,so be a good parent always. Teach your child to only compete with him or herself and strive to become better each year and do not compare them to anyone at all, as comparisons are odious and false .Lastly be very careful how much time they spend on their laptops and mobiles as children are often blanking out or having no concentration due to being affected by screens as these, are affecting their Brain, causing mental fatigue. ,therefore you use these things only when they are needed for work or communication , and your child will follow you. Connect always .with your child at their level ,be a loving ,understanding and hardworking parent and you will see good results which will make the family a happy& contented family.
Thank you Fr Mario and members of the Family Cell for organizing a very inspiring and valuable session. May we have many such Sessions in the future.
God bless the children of our Parish.
A loving parishioner